"The People of K'u'lntsutn"
on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation
(formerly Living Water Ministries / Schint)
- About Us -
Living Water Ministries (now known as Amotqn, "The People of K'u'lntsutn") was founded in the summer of 2003 by a group of Native Christians living on the Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation. The ministry is dedicated to seeking God-driven solutions to the spiritual and social problems of the community and to supporting and encouraging community members who are seeking to know God through His Word and seeking to live their lives for Christ.
Programs that LWM/Amotqn has offered include “Helping Hands Ministry” (providing firewood and other practical assistance to the elderly/physically limited and single mothers) and “RezMOPS” (a support group for Mothers of Preschoolers).
In August, 2009, LWM/Amotqn moved into the old Plummer-Gateway Fire building at 910 C Street in Plummer. The group rented the building from the Fire District until it was sold in February, 2014.
In addition to regular ministry meetings and events, the Old Firehouse building was also made available for a community food drive, a community Thanksgiving dinner and various other purposes. Support for these community events has been widespread, and has included involvement from Horizons/One Sky, the Catholic Church, and the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Beginning in 2018, Amotqn now has our own building, thanks to the generosity of another local ministry group who gave it to us! Our regular weekly meeting is held Thursday nights at our new Meeting Place, 279 6th Street in Plummer, from 5:15-6:45pm.
Current Pastors are Caj Matheson (Lead Pastor) and Terry Butcher. Caj's mom, Dianne Allen, helped start the group.
Contact us or follow us on Facebook for more info and updates
Mail: PO Box 456, Plummer, ID 83851
Phone: 208-651-8204
Fax: 772-679-0374